To learn more about the recent decision to suspend test administration of the Step 2 Clinical Skills exam for the next 12-18 months, listen to our podcast featuring Dr. Ricardo Correa-Marquez. He will provide insight into the decision-making process, alternative delivery options that are being explored, and the next steps for the USMLE program to consider. The impacts of the USMLE program’s decision is significant and immediate for international medical students and graduates (IMGs). They have relied on Step 2 CS to meet the clinical skills requirements for ECFMG® Certification, to participate in the National Resident Matching Program (“the Match”), and to enter US programs of graduate medical education (GME). As we know, this is a dynamic issue, and the final decision on how it will be implemented is still a future determination to be made. Hopefully, soon, we will all have an answer to resolve our fears and calm uncertainties. Thanks for listening! Please share and leave us feedback: – Stay tuned for more!