Dr. Barbara Oakley is a renown instructor, author, and online course creator. Today she covers memory sciences and common pitfalls that medical students should be aware of. There are strong links between sleep and long-term neurodevelopment, which she will explain in greater detail. Despite your natural memory abilities compared to your peers, there are ways to even the playing field. Today’s discussion will elaborate on the scheduling and resource utilization needed to maximize your academic success.
Show Notes
How to Learn Efficiently & Overcoming Learning Challenges
Expect the Unexpected: Utilizing Older Study Materials, CourseHero, and Academic Relationships
Pitfalls in Medical Study Habits & Sleep Health for Neuroarchitecture
Focused vs Diffused/Default Learning Modes & Meditation
Bad Habits of Medical Students & Nature v. Nurture
Using Visualizations for Conceptual Understanding
A Walk Down Memory Lane
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