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15 Mistakes and Proper Design of Spaced Repetition for Graduate Education (Medical Students, Physician Assistant Students, and Nursing Students)

The medical mnemonist podcast featuring Dr. Eric Gantwerker discussing video game mechanics for fostering medical learning.
The Medical Mnemonist
15 Mistakes and Proper Design of Spaced Repetition for Graduate Education (Medical Students, Physician Assistant Students, and Nursing Students)

Spacing out your retrieval studies can be complicated. There are many questions revolving around this topic, and no two sources seem to fully agree on what an “optimal” spacing effect may be…if it exists at all. My interview with the Learning Scientist, Dr. Megan Sumeracki, covered the basics of the research behind these topics. Here are the lessons I’ve learned over the years, and my recommended spaced repetition rules.

Show Notes

What is "Retrieval Practice" and how do we use it properly?

Learn from my Mistakes!

Using your Textbooks and Lectures to create Flashcards

How to use my 1-1-3-1-1- Rule for Spaced Retrieval

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Podcast Host

Chase is an MS, MBA-HA and MD/Ph.Dcandidate. He is the Founder and educator at MedEd University, which he began in 2014 to consolidate free educational resources for his classmates. He is the host of the Medical Mnemonist Podcast, creator of several medical education platforms, and is the CEO of FindARotation.

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