Hoda Mostafa started her academic career in medicine at Cairo University after completing her medical studies in 1996 She joined the faculty at Cairo University, teaching and practicing in the Ophthalmology department until 2011. She is an avid supporter of teaching thinking skills across the disciplines she joined the American University in Cairo in 2011 and is currently the Director at the Center for Learning and Teaching and an Associate Professor of Practice at the American University in Cairo.
Show Notes
The Educators Responsibilities to Teach Students How to Learn and Focus on the Process over the Product
Design Thinking: Using Divergent Thinking, Convergent Thinking, and Iterative Thinking to Reach Educational Goals
What is Creative Thinking, Innovative Thinking, and How do we Develop Learning and Memory Skills
Positive Outcomes from Embracing Failure & How Mentorship Directs Medical Education
Self-directed Learning (including Self-regulated Learning) in Current and Future Medical Course Design (read The Future of Medical Education Design)
Just 3 Wishes: Use Challenge-Based Learning!
You can find out more about Dr. Mostafa here, and check out the University of Cairo’s course page.
Teaching for Critical Thinking