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50 Why You Should Use Visual Mnemonics for Medicine NOW! Recap Part 4

The medical mnemonist podcast featuring Dr. Eric Gantwerker discussing video game mechanics for fostering medical learning.
The Medical Mnemonist
50 Why You Should Use Visual Mnemonics for Medicine NOW! Recap Part 4

Here is our second part of the accelerated learning and mnemonics recap of all 2019 highlights! You will get a much more succinct view of how to create visual mnemonics, how to create dynamic stories and an introduction in adding these into a memory palace. The third part of the accelerated learning recap will finalize this part of the mini-series by condensing a year of great memory palace techniques, mistakes, and more into one informative episode!

Show Notes

Key Episode Points

Creating Visualizations - Visual Aids for Memory Techniques

Peg System Example with Howard Berg

Using Associations to Create Dynamic Visuals

The Story/Linking Method

An Intro to Memory Palaces

You are Invited! Check out our first Meetup and Other Events to Come

For a complete list of episodes, visit our Podcast page. The interviews mentioned in this episode include:

2. Memory Palaces basics w/ Mullen Memory’s Alex Mullen & Cathy Chen

3. Advanced Memory Techniques with Mullen Memory

4. Visual Marker Creation & Journey Method w/ Nelson Dellis: Climb4Memory, 4x US Memory Champion, and Author

6. Memory Training and Emotional Intelligence for Test Preparation with Howard Berg- Part 2

8. Memory and Mental Health with the Magnetic Memory Method’s Dr. Anthony Metivier

9. Guide to Memory Palaces with the Magnetic Memory Method & Anthony Metivier- Part 2

12. Medical Mnemonics and Spacing Effect with Osmosis Leader Dr. Yifan Xiao

17. Creating Visual Mnemonics with Sketchy Medical Drs. Bryan and Aaron Lemieux

23. Visual Mnemonic Generation with Ron Robertson of Picmonic

26. School Success and Productivity with Memory Athlete Brad Zupp

30. Atomic Memory Techniques from Memory Athlete Daniel Kilov

33. Developing Advanced Memory Techniques with Dr. Lev Goldentouch of KeyToStudy (Part 1)

If you would like to learn more about these topics, check out Read This Before Medical School or sign up for a Consultation/Tutoring session with Chase DiMarco!

Like our sister organization, FindARotation on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Save to your browser and check back every few weeks for the platform launch!

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Podcast Host

Chase is an MS, MBA-HA and MD/Ph.Dcandidate. He is the Founder and educator at MedEd University, which he began in 2014 to consolidate free educational resources for his classmates. He is the host of the Medical Mnemonist Podcast, creator of several medical education platforms, and is the CEO of FindARotation.

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