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Perseverance, Grit and Overcoming adversities, how to accomplish your dream!

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IMG Masterclass
Perseverance, Grit and Overcoming adversities, how to accomplish your dream!

Dr. Lopez is a PGY-1 Resident in Emergency Program at Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center in New York, and today he brings the powerful message of conviction and commitment. The son of an Immigrant becomes the first person in the family to obtain a college education, followed by going to medical school and overcoming the difficulties of a highly competitive educational system in the USA when trying to make it into the “selective few” that will be granted access to Graduate and Postgraduate education.    He saw no barriers, no limits and never listened to negative people, he pushed through and went to Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara, in Mexico, to obtain his medical degree. His path is remarkably full of successes, but they did not come the easy way, he had to put in the time, money and effort, along with support from his social network to persevere and accomplish every dream and goal that he had a plan for himself and the future.    Today, he looks back, is a powerful and motivating conversation, on his past. He is almost there, and within the next 3 years, he will become a Board Certified Residency Trained Emergency Physician that is passionate about patients, and people, using his impressive bilingual skills and sensitivity for cultural diversity. I got goose-bumps while chatting with him and I hope you guys do as well. Enjoy! It cannot get better than this.

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Podcast Host

Chase is an MS, MBA-HA and MD/Ph.Dcandidate. He is the Founder and educator at MedEd University, which he began in 2014 to consolidate free educational resources for his classmates. He is the host of the Medical Mnemonist Podcast, creator of several medical education platforms, and is the CEO of FindARotation.

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