Apologies for letting the FreeMedEd blog go for the past few weeks. There have been some great new additions, and they have been occupying a lot of time recently. As we approach the New Year, it’s time to recap what has happened in 2018 for FreeMedEd. It has been an amazing year of growth! After several years of experimentation and procrastination, several great advancements have been made. Let’s take a look at them now, and what is to come in 2019!
Online Courses
The release of our first full course, Intro to Medical Microbiology: Bacteriology, has been a great success story. Within the first few weeks the course sign up list jumped to nearly 70 students! We hope to increase participation of these students, and gain new students, with the addition of future design incentives, such as: Mastery Levels and Badges for different accomplishments. We were unable to add these in time for the first rendition of this course. If you wish to watch the lectures without registering for the course, visit the FreeMedEd YouTube Channel.
Our New Podcast!
There are many other courses in the works, but it is too soon to guestimate on a release date due to the host of other projects also currently in progress. However, we had an excellent interview by the Doctor’s Unbound Podcast regarding How to Create Online Medical Courses. Please check out this episode if you have time!We have also partnered up with the InsideTheBoards Podcast for the release of our new show, The MedicalMnemonist Podcast. Together, we are improving the production quality of the expert interview we have conducted (and have planned) with memory champions, medical educators, and others in accelerated learning techniques. Please subscribe via iTunes or Android to be notified about the release dates scheduled in the next few weeks.
If you know anyone that may be interested in being interviewed let us know! We will focus on the areas of memory techniques, memory palaces, speed reading, study hacks, or any other accelerated learning strategies that could benefit students. You can Email the Show with questions or proposals, and join our Facebook Medical Mnemonist Master Mind Group!
Phone App
For several months, discussions with several other big players in Med Ed have been underway. Giving specifications right now would be premature, but keep an eye out for some great new medical apps in the near future. The services may include anything from tutoring and mentorship programs, board exam assistance, and even setting up shadowing, clinical rotations, and residency placement assistance. All in one, convenient product. Much of this has been spearheaded by ITB as well, so keep an eye out for an app with their name on it!
So, there has been a lot of work done, and a lot that still much be done. If you are looking for training in online courses, wanting to boost your CV, or just interested in being a part of the Med Ed discipline send us a message to see how you may be able to become a part of this ever-growing society.